Stefanie Solar, M.A.

Institut for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
Ruhr-University Bochum
Markstraße 258a
44799 Bochum
Tel.: +49 (0)234 32-28642
Fax: +49(0)234 32-14205
Curriculum vitae
since 08/2024 | Research assistant at the Institute of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, Ruhr-University Bochum |
2022/2024 | Research assistant in the field of medical management |
2019 – 2022 | Research assistant at the University Medical Center Göttingen in the Clinic for Palliative Medicine |
2018 | M.A. in Sociology at the University Kassel |
Research interests
- Collaboration in the VIRTUETHIC project
- Autonomy and dignity at the end of life
- Solar S, Wieditz J, Lordick F, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A, Oechsle K, van Oorschot B, Thomas M, Asendorf T, Nauck F, Alt-Epping B. Screening versus multidimensional assessment of symptoms and psychosocial distress in cancer patients from the time of incurability. Front Oncol. 2023 Jan 26;13:1002499. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1002499. PMID: 36776341; PMCID: PMC9908949.
- Solar, Stefanie & Kloidt, Anna-Maria & Asendorf, Thomas & Alt-Epping, Bernd. (2021). „Wann geht’s los?“ Vorlaufzeiten durch Formalia in multizentrischen Studien“When can we start?” Study start-up delays caused by formalities in multicenter trials: Ein Beispiel anlässlich des aktuellen Positionspapiers der DKG: „Verfahren der Ethikberatung von multizentrischen Nicht-AMG/MPG-Studien vereinheitlichen“ (Forum 1/2021)An example on the occasion of the current DKG position paper “Standardize procedures of ethics consultation of multicenter non-AMG/MPG trials” (Forum 1/2021). Forum. 36. 10.1007/s12312-021-00897-1.
- Solar, S (2021). „Zur Reflexion anregen.“ (Altenheim 7/2021) Altenheim: Lösungen fürs Management. 60.
- Alt-Epping, B. & Solar, S. & Lordick, Florian & Mehnert-Theuerkauf, Anja & Oechsle, Karin & Oorschot, Birgitt & Thomas, M. & Asendorf, Thomas. (2020). Niederschwelliges Screening versus multidimensionales Assessment von Symptomen und psychosozialen Belastungen bei Krebspatienten ab dem Zeitpunkt der Inkurabilität (SCREBEL)Low-threshold screening versus multidimensional assessment of symptoms and psychosocial burden in cancer patients from the time of incurability (SCREBEL). Forum. 35. 143-144. 10.1007/s12312-020-00769-0.