Many hospitals and other institutions in our healthcare system are facing major change processes and challenges. In addition to pressing financial problems, the main task for many institutions is to develop common values and a new orientation for the future. This can be achieved in practice through improved communication structures, development of mission statements or establishment of ethics forums and clinical ethics committees.

In this field, Prof. Dr. Dr. Vollmann has been advising hospitals and other health care institutions on the establishment of clinical ethics committees or comparable ethics advisory systems for several years. This can be done by individual arrangement through lectures, workshops, kick-off events and continuing education series in the individual institutions.

Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Dr. Vollmann and his team offer individual ethical consultation for hospitals, medical practices, institutions for the elderly and disabled in the region. Appointments can be requested, even at short notice, through the office of Prof. Dr. Dr. Vollmann:

Stefanie Happel Tel.: 0234/32-23394